Junior Summer Term Coaching

Dear Juniors and Parents,

As we are now approaching the end of the Spring Term, I am pleased to advise that Summer Term coaching will resume on Tuesday 23rd April.

Accordingly, please find attached the Junior Summer Term Courses Booking Form and Information Sheet. Copies are also available on the Drummond website (www.drummondltc.co.uk) and in the clubhouse.

The programme remains broadly unchanged from last term. Ildi, Edwin or Ross will advise you if there is a course which is more suitable for you than your current course, and whether there are any additional courses that you should consider attending. If you do have any questions or are unsure which course to select, please speak to one of the coaches who will be happy to help.

Please return all forms and payments to me by Saturday 20th April to ensure your child/ren’s place/s.

Parents are also reminded to review our Junior Policy, a copy of which can be found here.

Wishing you all a happy Easter holiday.

Kind regards,

David West
Club Administrator
Visit our Website: www.drummondltc.co.uk
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