Jack Petchey award winners Aodh & Kayla

Jack Petchey winners Aodh & Kayla being presented with their certificates by Ruth

Congratulations to our latest Jack Petchey award winners Aodh & Kayla

Head coach Edwin says:

Kayla has been a member at Drummond for over 5 years and has shown fantastic dedication to the sport. She has been taking 3 lessons a week and is now training twice a week with her family. She also regularly attends tournaments and matchplay events at several clubs including Drummond, Redbridge, Chingford school of tennis to name a few. Kayla is a very supportive player, often encouraging her peers and providing moral support during training and matches. 

Aodh is a player who has improved tremendously recently. He has gone from playing once a week to taking 2 classes a week and often coming to the club to train with a friend. His renewed focus and desire to learn has also led him to occasionally assisting coaching sessions which has been greatly appreciated by the coaching team. He is also a regular participant in tournaments and is now becoming a serious contender for the U14 category.